DEKPROJEKT s.r.o. offers highly specialized services in the areas of building insulation, structural physics and energy balance of buildings, building certifications and development of structural software. Since 2012, it has been an official expert institute and also an international accredited testing laboratory. Furthermore, the company operates the property inspection service NEMOPAS. DEKPROJEKT s.r.o. incorporates the ATELIER DEK brand, which has associated technical experts within the DEK Group since 1997. The brand ATELIER DEK covers research and development, design of hydro-insulation and thermal insulation structures and specialized activities in the area of building diagnostics, hydro-insulation technology, structural physics and energy balance of buildings. Furthermore, DEKPROJEKT is the operator of the DEKSOFT web portal, whose content mainly consists of a set of web calculation applications for the construction industry, especially in the field of power engineering, thermal protection of buildings and HVAC. It also addresses solutions for BIM design.